Monday, November 23, 2009

Is it snack time?

If there's one thing I have learned from life with a toddler, the answer is always yes. I remember two plus years ago bringing my daughter home from the hospital. My two dogs looked at her not knowing what she was and a little nervous. Once she started eating solids they quickly learned what she was. A snack dispenser. They would sit under the high chair waiting for something to drip onto the floor and race eachother to get it. My small dog, a Boston Terrier seemed to be at an advantage because he was closer to the floor than my big dog, a Weimaraner. Now that the girl is walking I think they see her as a moving buffet table, leaving a trail of goldfish, carrots or any other treat that falls off her plate or out of her bowl. It makes me wonder why I spend so much money on high quality grain free dog food if she's going to give it to them anyways. What can you do though?

So starts my blog. The ramblings of a stay at home mom about snacks, crafts, naps and everything in between.